martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Islam Core Ideas

*Islam means "worship to Allah", and Allah is the only God.

* It teaches that people are here on earth just for one reason, only to obey His command and worship Him.

*It also says that Allah sent a book/scripture called Koran, where the laws to follow are written on it, and other way this book is also used by the Muslims, is to make life safer and better.

*If they act as good as the Koran says, the result will be shown in the other life, meaning that Muslims believe in a life after death, where their reward will be depending of their behavior in this world; if they follow the laws as the Koran says the next life will be great, if not it will be sad.

*The next life also depends on the worship, in how Muslims worship Allah. Islam describes the other life as the one of reward and no work.

*Islam is an equal religion , this means that Allah see us with the same eyes and no one is better than any other, no race or color is discriminated; the only thing that differences one from the others is your worship, how you pray to Allah and obey him.

*As many religions this one has his messenger, for example catholic religion with Jesus, but in this case the messenger is called Muhammad, whom spread the religion and taught about it.

*Basically Islam consists in:

- believing in Allah, worship him and testify that He is the only one.
- believing in Muhammad (his messenger)
- believing in the Koran (the book with the laws)
- believing in the resurrection after death
- To pray every day
- to pay a obligatory charity for poor and sick people that need help , called Zakat.
- To pilgrimage in Mecca (the most important temple) once in your life.

Author: Sara Aguirre
Co-Editors: Maria Andrea and Melissa Lopez

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