martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Judaism Core Beliefs

Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion and people that practice it believe that God chose them to set an example of holiness and ethical values.

They think there is a single God who created everything and with whom everyone has a relationship. This relationship is covenant because if God is still working in the world, then Jews should give God something.

Jewish people keep God`s law and seek to bring holiness into every aspect of their life. They take the family seriously; they have an important feeling about the community. Jews celebrate Hanukkah and each family has a Sabbath meal.
Jews think people should be judged by the way they live their faith, not by what they have done.

Someone that is not Jewish can convert into Judaism, but it is not easy to do.
To sum up, God exists for the Jews, is transcendent, beyond time, and is personal and accessible. Does not have a body, is omnipresent and omnipotent, and, last but not least, God is fair and also merciful.

Author: Angela Morales
Co-Editor: Maria Andrea Ramirez

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