jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Wicca History

It is uncertain when does the practice of Wicca paganism religion started. But it started to come to light thanks to Gerald Gardner that made some studies about the covens where the practice was set and the in 1954 he published the book “Witchcraft today” where he explained what was Wicca about and what rules were involved in witchcrafts. Gardner affirms that he found that this religion was created by witches in New Forest and that between the 1920’s and the 1930’s it started to spread. This religion is practiced by spells and rituals. After Gardner, other occultists started to study this religion and to create new rituals. This religion is practiced with magic and it is not used to harm people.

By: Paola Iza Uribe

Edited by: Alejandra and Margarita Zuluaga

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